Privacy policy

Part I – General Provisions

§ 1


1. The Controller for your personal data is Media Management Europe Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Grodzisk Mazowiecki (05-825) ul. 11 Listopada 4/3, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register (Polish: Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy, KRS) under number 0000795051, NIP (Tax Identification Number): 5291827119, for which the registry records are kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 14th Economic Division of the National Court Register. Hereinafter, we refer to ourselves by writing in the first person or as the „Controller”.

2. You may contact us:

a. by mail to: ul. Gołębia 1a, 05-825 Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Poland

b. by e-mail to:

§ 2

Terms used in the Privacy Policy

If you notice hereinafter one of the following capitalised terms, you should understand it as defined below:

a. „Website” – a website at the following address and its pages,
b. „Policy” – shall mean this document, i.e. the Privacy Policy you are reading,
c. „GDPR” – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the procession of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC. For the GDPR text, read here.

§ 3

Safeguarding of personal data

As the Controller, we shall process all the personal data you provide on the Website or we will collect concerning you while you use the Website, in line with the GDPR.

§ 4

Your rights concerning personal data

1. We process your personal data; therefore you:
a. have the right to access your personal data,
b. may rectify it,
c. may request the erasure of your personal data, as permitted by the GDPR,
d. have the right to restrict processing to the extent defined in the GDPR.

2. You will find information about additional rights in Part II of this Policy. With some forms, you will have more options.
3. Do you want to exercise your rights or learn more? Contact us. For our contact details, see this Policy § 1 para. 2.

§ 5

Right to object

1. Once you provide us with your personal data, you may exercise the right to object. You can do this in two situations, when we process your personal data:
a. for direct marketing purposes; you do not need to justify your objection;
b. based on our other legitimate interests; this objection needs to be justified with your special situation. Write to us why we should not process your data.

2. Do you want to exercise your right to object? Contact us. For our contact details, see this Policy § 1 para. 2.

§ 6

A complaint with a supervisory authority

If you think we process your personal data unlawfully, you may lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. In Poland, it is the President of the Personal Data Protection Authority (Polish: Urząd Ochrony Danych Osobowych). Here is the link to the website of the President.

§ 7

Questions concerning this Policy and its publication venue

1. Should you have any questions concerning the Policy, please let us know.
2. The Policy is available at and also at our registered office.

Part II – information related to the processing of your personal data in each form and while contacting us

§ 8

Contacting us via the contact form or by e-mail/phone

If you use these options on our Website, please pay attention to the following issues:

a. Why do we need your data, i.e. what purpose do we process them for?
Our purpose is to reply to your message and find a solution for the issue you describe; we also have the marketing purpose wherein we ask for your consent to make marketing communications by e-mail or by phone calls.

b. . What are your rights?
We describe them in this Policy § 4 and 5.

c. Do you need to provide us with your data?
This is voluntary. Without your contact details we may not be able to solve your issue.

d. What is the legal basis on which we process your data?
It is the GDPR Art. 6 para. 1 letter f, i.e. our legitimate interest.

e. What is our legitimate interest?
To solve your issue and reply to your message and also to run our marketing activities as described in point a.

f. Who will we transfer you data to?
1) The suppliers of tools for analysing the traffic on the Website,
2) The Suppliers of tools for marketing activities,
3) The entities which provide the hosting (storing) of the Website or personal data for us,
4) Couriers, the post office.

g. How long will we process your data?
We will do it for the time required to solve your issue. Depending on the case, we may also do it for the time required to demonstrate we have solved it, i.e. for the period of limitation of claims and also for the time when we run marketing activities or until you express your objection to further processing of your data for marketing purposes.

h. Will we transfer your personal data outside the European Economic Area?
Yes. To the United States of America under the Implementing Decision of the European Commission of 12.07.2016 r. introducing the Privacy Shield. We will transfer data to entities certified under this Decision, which obliges them to safeguard personal data as appropriate. Data may also be transferred outside the EEA under agreements including standard agreement clauses.

Part III – information concerning cookies

§ 9

What are cookies and what do we use them for?

1. We use cookies on the Website, i.e. small text information files, which are stored on your terminal device (e.g. a computer, tablet or smartphone). Cookies may be read by the Website. Do you want to know more about cookies? Visit the Wikipedia.
2. We store cookies on your computer, phone or tablet and then we access the information included in cookies for the following purposes:
a. marketing purposes where we collect information on your activities on the Website; thus we can adapt its content to match your interests and needs, for example we generate customised content for you; we also adapt the advertisements displayed for your on other websites according to what you have watched on our Website,
b. statistical purposes, such as for visit counters,
c. analytical purposes, in particular to analyse how you use the Website.

§ 10

Types of cookies

The Website contains several types of cookies:
a. session cookies which are stored in your web browser until you exit it,
b. permanent cookies which are stored in your web browser until you delete them,
c. third-party cookies from suppliers of tools for analytics on our Website.

§ 11

How to delete cookies

1. You can configure your web browser to prevent storing cookies on your computer, phone or tablet.
2. You can delete cookies once we have saved them. You may do it using: the right functions of your web browser, appropriate programs or tools available in your operating system.
3. For information about deleting cookies in the most common web browsers, use the following links:
Internet Explorer:,
Safari: h

§ 12

How changes to web browser settings impact the use of the Website

If you reconfigure your web browser to prevent or restrict the storing of cookies, it may reduce the functionalities of the Website. If you delete cookies while a service is being provided, it may have similar consequences. It means that some of our services may be unavailable without cookies.

§ 13

Third-party cookies

1. Cookies placed on your computer, phone or tablet may come from other service providers.
2. We use the services of: Google Analytics, provided by Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). These services help us analyse the traffic on the Website. With them, we obtain statistics showing how you and other users use the Website.
3. You can block the operation of Google Analytics. To this end, install this add-in to the web browser provided by Google Inc. and available here

§ 14

Transfer of data outside the EEA

1. Since we use cookies from external entities, as indicated in this Policy § 14, your data will be transferred outside the EEA.
2. Your data will be transferred to the United States of America under the Implementing Decision of the European Commission of 12.07.2016 introducing the Privacy Shield (Privacy Shield). We will transfer data to entities certified under this Decision, which obliges them to safeguard personal data as appropriate. Data may also be transferred outside the EEA under agreements including standard agreement clauses.

§ 15


1. Using the information about you collected by means of cookies, a profile may be prepared concerning you as the user of the website, based on personal aspects relating to you such as your preferences or interest.
2. We shall not use your profile obtained by means of analytical tools to make any automated decisions concerning you which would lead to any legal effects or affect you in any similar way.